
Aecor Tunisia إصدار أودو 14.0

معلومات عن Aecor Tunisia نسخة أودو، تخطيط موارد مؤسسات مفتوح المصدر.

التطبيقات المثبتة

Odoo Facebook Messenger Chat
The Facebook Messenger chat widget will be visible in the odoo website.
POS Show Discounted Price
Now show discounted price along with base price of the products on point of sale.
POS Order Return
This module is use to Return orders in running point of sale session.
POS All Orders List
The module shows the list of orders placed in a Odoo POS screen. The user can also view previous orders from one customers in running POS session
POS Stock
The user can display the product quantities on the Odoo POS with the module. If set, The user cannot add out of stock products to the POS cart.
POS Warehouse Management
Manage multiple stock location within the POS Session, So that if any product is out of stock then seller can order product from other stock locations
Website Stop/Block Content Copy
Odoo Website Stop/Block Content Copy Module can help your website against content plagiarism and effectively stop the content from being copied from the website
Odoo Booking & Reservation Management
Booking & reservation management in Odoo allows users to take appointment and ticket booking facility in Odoo website.
Website Product Pack
Add Bundle Products in your website for increasing your ecommerce
Product Pack
Combine two or more products together in order to create a bundle product.
من عروض الأسعار للفواتير
الفواتير والدفعات
العلاقات العامة
تتبع الترشيحات وإغلاق الفرص
الموقع الإلكتروني
Enterprise website builder
إدارة أنشطة مخزونك والأنشطة اللوجسيتية
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
نقطة البيع
User-friendly PoS interface for shops and restaurants
Organize and plan your projects
المتجر الإلكتروني
بيع منتجاتك أونلاين
التسويق بالبريد الإلكتروني
تصميم، إرسال وتتبع رسائل البريد الإلكتروني
Allocate time off and follow time off requests
تتبع دورة عملية التعيين
Centralize employee information
Aramex Shipping Integration
Integrate Aramex delivery services with Odoo. Use Aramex to deliver Odoo website and backend orders for both domestic and international orders.
Atharva Theme Base
Base module for Atharva E-commerce themes
Odoo Attribute Cancel-Out/Hide
Odoo Attribute Cancel or Hide enables you to disable the product combinations with zero quantity so that customers don't waste time and pick ones that are available in stock.
تتبع المعدات وإدارة طلبات الصيانة
Backbone For Shipping Api Integration
ODOO-Shipping Service API Integration: PROVIDE CORE SERVICE LAYER FOR API INTEGRATION With FedEx ,USPS,UPS,DHL,Australia Post,Aramex etc.
POS Membership Cards
Allows the seller to provide membership cards to his customers for availing discounts
Product Multi Website
Manage Multi Website For Products, Set Product For Specific Website, Multiple Website Per Product, Multi Website For Every Product, Set Websites Specific Product Module, Set Multiple Website Odoo
Website Membership Management
Odoo Website Membership Management allows you to manage various membership programs for your customers efficiently.
نشر الفعاليات، وبيع التذاكر
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
جهات الاتصال
Centralize your address book
Schedule employees' meetings
إدارة أسطولك وتتبع تكاليف السيارات
نشر مقالات المدونة، والإعلانات، والأخبار
الدردشة الحية
تحدث مع زوار موقعك
لوحات المعلومات
كون لوحات معلوماتك بنفسك
متابعة حضور موظف
وظائف إلكترونية
إدارة عملية التعيين عبر الإنترنت

الأقلمات / مخططات الحسابات المثبتة

عام - المحاسبة

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